Reclaim Your Brand’s Authority – Let Us Help You Rise Up

Content can be a powerful asset or a detriment to your brand. If you post content that is irrelevant or not pertinent to your brand, it can be ignored and have no impact. To get the most out of your marketing efforts, create content that is tailored to your brand and its goals.

Having been in the digital marketing field for 10 years, I have seen certain errors made by even experienced marketers. This list could benefit startups and medium-sized businesses alike, providing a roadmap for developing and refining their brand.

Keep Promotional Content to a Minimum

The relationship with your customers should be about them, not you.  If you ignore their needs, they’ll assume you’ve got nothing for them and head elsewhere.

If you promote the same service, using the same brand repeatedly, it will just get boring.

The 80:20 corporate rule is something to highlight here, where we focus 80% of the posts to the followers being entertaining and informative, while the other 20% should be about the business.  Similarly, the 5:3:2 rule says for every 10 posts, 5 should be opted from others’ content, 3 should reflect the brand and 2 should be personal and fun to humanize one’s brand.

Simple advice, if the number for your brand is higher than for your audience, you’re talking too much about the brand.

If your still confused which rule to adapt in reflection to your business, don’t hesitate to contact our Social Media Management Team.


Prevent Email Overload

Customers expect a consistent and seamless experience with a brand, regardless of the department. However, 54% of customers fail to hear back and view these emails as sales, service, and/or advertising. This results in email overload and unsubscribes.

To avoid this, take extra care when timing your email approach. Also, update your unsubscribe form to give customers choices on the types of content they would like to receive. This will help ensure the customer remains engaged with your brand.


Know How to Deal With Negative Content

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important to be aware of the impact that negative content can have on your brand. While it’s true that negative content is often shared more than positive content, it’s worth noting that the publisher of this content isn’t necessarily viewed more highly. Thus, it’s important to be mindful of how you’re presenting your message and if it’s likely to be interpreted in a negative light.

Rather than making doom scrolling a part of your brand strategy, focus on providing solutions to customer pain points. If you can offer a solution that helps solve their problem, that’s good marketing! However, if you start and end your message on a negative note, your brand will be seen as unhelpful and uninviting.

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that negative content can have an impact on your brand’s reputation. Be mindful of your messaging and focus on providing helpful solutions to customers. This will go a long way in building trust and loyalty with your audience.

The trainers then created rewards for reinforcement learning by collecting two or more model responses, comparing them, and ranking the data based on their quality. This process was done iteratively to fine-tune the model’s results, thus optimizing it to make it almost perfect. 


Handle Controversial Topics with Care

Businesses must approach topics that are potentially controversial with caution. For example, political or religious topics should rarely, if ever, be discussed by brands. However, if such topics are relevant to a brand’s mission or approach, they can be discussed in a thoughtful, measured, and well-researched manner. This will help businesses avoid offending their audiences or alienating potential customers.

Get Rid of Bad Writing and Design

Good writing and design are essential for conveying a professional and memorable message. Poor grammar or design can cause confusion and detract from the effectiveness of the message. On the other hand, well-crafted writing and thoughtful design can elevate a brand’s personality and make a lasting impression on the audience. With the right words and design, you can create compelling stories and inspire your readers.

Establish a Consistent Voice

Consistent messaging is essential for effective digital marketing. Having an inconsistent voice can confuse and frustrate your audience, making it difficult for them to recognize and connect with your brand.

Creating a consistent brand voice and style can be challenging, but always keep it in mind when crafting and distributing content. Refrain from using a mix of content formats such as memes, jokes, and serious pieces, as this can create a disorienting effect. Instead, opt for a unified tone and style that resonates with your audience and reflects your brand’s personality. This will help you build trust and credibility, and establish a connection with your followers.

Grab Your Readers' Attention with Fresh, Personalized Subject Lines

We all know that subject lines are crucial when it comes to getting our emails opened. According to a 2021 Barilliance survey, 64% of people decide to open emails based on the subject line alone. That’s why it’s important to avoid generic subject lines like “read me” or “check this out”. Such subject lines may directly invite someone to open the email, but they don’t really speak to the recipient and don’t give them any idea about what to expect when they open it.

If you want to get your emails opened and read, you need to craft engaging, personalized subject lines that readers can’t resist. Ask questions, use numbers, and personalize them with the recipient’s name or other information. This will help to create a sense of anticipation and make people more likely to click on your emails

Adapt Your Content for each Platform

Most brands are guilty of putting out the same content on all of their social media channels. While this can save time, it’s important to remember that the platforms are vastly different and require specialized content.

LinkedIn is a professional network, where users enjoy reading text-heavy, formal content. Instagram, however, is a visual-centric platform. It’s best to use engaging images and videos. And Twitter encourages users to post bite-sized bits of information and visuals.

When creating content, it’s crucial to think of the platform you’re using and who your audience is on that platform. By tailoring your content to each platform, your followers will have a better experience and will be more likely to engage.

Double-Check All Credentials

Digital marketers must always be aware of the importance of giving credit where due when publishing content. Whenever republishing or excerpting significantly from another source, permission should be sought and the originator properly credited. If permission is not granted, marketers should look for an alternative source or cite and link back to the original source if using content or information from another source in their content. Failing to do so can result in negative repercussions and damage to one’s professional reputation.

Use Hashtags Sparingly

The use of hashtags is an effective way to promote engagement and help content go viral. That being said, it’s important to be judicious with their use. Overstuffing a post with hashtags can make the content look cluttered and unfocused, and can detract from the most important hashtags. The best approach is to use a few, carefully selected, relevant hashtags that are meaningful to the content being shared.

Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but it recommends using only three to five for the best results. While Twitter allows as many hashtags that fit in its 280 characters, it recommends no more than two as a best practice. That’s another reason to tailor your content for each platform, not automatically cross-publishing.

Exploring the Uncharted Depths of User-Generated Content

Posting user-generated content to your channels without proper review can put your brand at risk of publishing content that has been inaccurately attributed, or that comes from someone who doesn’t align with your values and messaging. To mitigate this, it is essential to vet content before it is shared. Consider researching the source of the content, verifying facts, and double-checking any images or videos you plan to post. Doing this due diligence can help protect your brand and ensure that your content remains in-line with your values and objectives.

Writing That Resonates with Your Audience

To create content that resonates with your target audience, you need to be mindful of their level of understanding on the topic. Consider language as well as the level of detail provided. Ask yourself: what is the best way to convey this information to my readers? Is the tone and style appropriate? Are there any jargon or difficult concepts that should be avoided? By taking the time to tailor your content to your audience, you will ensure that your readers appreciate your content and come back for more

Stay Up to Date with Current Information

It is important to keep your content up to date, as facts can change over time. If in doubt, it is safest to delete the page/post and avoid claiming something to be true without evidence. This will help to maintain the credibility of your content and avoid any legal issues. When creating new content, always ensure that the facts and information you include are accurate and backed up by reliable sources. If the page/post has a good search ranking, you can update it with the latest information available instead of deleting it. This will help to ensure that your readers are receiving the most up to date and accurate content.

Make Sure Your Content Fits the E-A-T Framework

When it comes to creating content with the goal of improving search engine rankings, the old-fashioned approach of stuffing keywords is no longer effective. Google now focuses on content that provides value to the user, requiring authors to demonstrate that their content is trustworthy, authoritative, and based on expertise – known as the E-A-T guidelines.

To create content that fits the E-A-T criteria, it’s important to understand the latest SEO rules and trends. However, the most important step is to make sure that the content your brand publishes is of the highest quality, and has been created with expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in mind.

Take Advantage of All the Ways to Help Your Brand

Creating and sharing viral content can be a powerful way to drive traffic to your website or social media channels. However, posting content that is not on-brand with the rest of your content can be confusing for your audience and does not build brand equity.

If you’re not sure if something is on-brand for your company, get a second opinion from someone who doesn’t work in the marketing department. They will have a unique combination of external and internal perspectives, so they are well-placed to offer insights on potential inconsistencies or confusion between departments.

Avoid Jumping on Unrelated Trends

Creating engaging and successful content can be a challenge, but there are certain types of material you should always avoid. From plagiarised content to low-quality pieces that don’t provide any value, such mistakes can harm your brand’s reputation and credibility. To ensure your content has a positive impact, stay away from plagiarism, poor grammar, and other blunders that can tarnish your reputation. Put the extra effort in to ensure your content is creative, accurate, and of the highest quality. In doing so, you’ll be able to provide your audience with an enjoyable and informative experience.


With these measures, it is certain you will make a positive impact in the market, but with the fast-growing work of marketing and innovation, some companies require an extra set of hands. This is where we pitch in, Blue Dodo is in constant touch with the most up-to-date facets of the social and digital worlds.  which made us split and specialize a handful of services:

  1. Through branding, we make you stand out, in resonance with your identity in this competitive market.
  2. Web design: creating or maintaining your website’s ecosystem so it can capture the essence of customers’ needs.
  3. Social media management, including brewing strategic marketing campaigns to help small and large corporations, engage smartly with their audiences.
  4. Digital marketing is not just SEO; it’s creating the algorithm of your digital world to pulsate in perfect harmony.
  5. Event Multimedia: To have branded and valuable contents to market yourselves, from videography/photography to reports and podcasts, we help you set up your base.

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